Frequently asked questions

  1. Do I need to empty kitchen cabinets and cupboards?
    No. If something needs to be emptied in the kitchen cabinets and cupboards then our personnel will do it and put it back.The customer needs to leave his/her house as it is so that we can find the nesting area of insects.
  2. How long will the smells of chemicals last?
    After the treatment is done the customer needs to keep the premises closed for about 3 to 4 hours. After which the customer can enter the premises, open the doors and windows and put on the fans. 85 to 90% of the smell will go away within the next 15 minutes
  3. Do I need to do the pest control for the complete house if I have cockroaches only in the kitchen?
    Yes it is recommended to do the pest control for the complete house as cockroaches could move to areas that are not treated.The general pest control also takes care of other insects present in the premises.
  4. Can you get rid of cockroaches in my refrigerator?
    Yes, cockroaches in the refrigerator can be controlled with the use of odour free gels, which are applied in the refrigerator at places where you will not touch.
  1. Do I need to mop up the floor and wash all the utensils after the spray?
    It is recommended that you do not mop the floors for about 24 hours after the treatment so as to allow the chemical to give best effect. Since water based chemicals are used your floor will not get sticky. Regarding utensils, it is advised that you rinse the utensils with water as and when you use them. Also kitchen platform needs to be wiped with a moist cloth before you start cooking.
  2. Do I need to remind you for follow up sprays in an annual contract?
    Our customer care representatives will send a postal reminder followed by a telephonic / email reminder to all customers whose treatment is due in that month. As per the availability your pest control job will be booked on date and time of your convenience. If a customer does not respond to postal and telephonic reminders we also send a reminder by courier during the end of that month.
  3. Will the pest control get rid of lizards in my house?
    All lizards that are present in the premises at the time of treatment will die. But the chemicals will not be effective on those lizards that enter the premises after the treatment is done. These lizards will be controlled by an indirect method. As your premises will be free of other flying insects these lizards that enter the premises after the treatment will not find any food in your premises and will leave the premises on its own
  4. Can I take only 1 treatment in a year and not go for an annual contract?
    It is not advisable to take only 1 treatment in a year as the chemicals have an effective life of only 3 to 4 months. Hence it would be a waste to take just one treatment.
  5. Will the chemicals stain the walls and furniture?
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